Joined on: Apr 02, 2016
Project: 1
  • Zahra 2216
    Created Date: 2016-05-05 / updated date: 2016-05-23
    Steps: 16 / Memos: 0
    This project documents the development of an interactive art installation using Processing and computer vision, video projection and a fresnel lens sculpture to envision the life of a cyborg in the year 2216. The steps that follow provide an overview of our process as well as shared files that may be of use to others interested in doing similar projects.
      • Zahra 2216
        Created Date: 2016-05-05 / updated date: 2016-05-23
        Steps: 16 / Memos: 0
        This project documents the development of an interactive art installation using Processing and computer vision, video projection and a fresnel lens sculpture to envision the life of a cyborg in the year 2216. The steps that follow provide an overview of our process as well as shared files that may be of use to others interested in doing similar projects.
      • Light-Shade #01
        Created Date: 2015-04-09 / updated date: 2015-04-14
        Steps: 10 / Memos: 0
        Light-Shade [láit n ʃéid]#01 [0.809, double-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#01 [0.809、二重構造、透過光タイプ] ・・・・The first and basic idea of using an inscribed polygon to create the gluing area from a disk. 円の内接多角形を使って糊しろを創出する、というのが最初の基本的なアイデア。・・・・Then the folded disks (actually the polyogons) can construct a polyhedron. そして縁を折った円(多角形)で多面体ができる。・・・・Version #1 is applying the inscribed circle to the first polygon(pentagon). #1では初めの多角形(五角形)に内接する円を適用している。・・・・And the ratio of inner circle diameter to outer one is 0.809. 内円と外円の直径比率は0.809である。