Joined on: Dec 12, 2014
Project: 0


      • TECHTILE Toolkit _Actuator
        Created Date: 2014-11-30 / updated date: 2018-03-13
        Steps: 0 / Memos: 0
        TECHTILE Toolkitの振動子についての説明はこちら
      • TECHTILE Toolkit _body
        Created Date: 2014-11-30 / updated date: 2018-03-13
        Steps: 0 / Memos: 0
        TECHTILE toolkitの本体部分についての作り方
      • TECHTILE Toolkit
        Created Date: 2014-11-30 / updated date: 2018-03-13
        Steps: 0 / Memos: 0
        デジタル触感表現の術をより多くのクリエイターの手に広げ、その可能性を皆で議論・共有していくためには、特に技術的な面の敷居の高さが大きな問題になっています。この問題を軽減するべく、テクタイルでは触感表現ツールキットの制作を行っています。TECHTILE toolkitは、基本的にはモノや身体から触感を記録し、モノや身体にフィードバックすることで触感を再生・拡張するためのものです。
      • 触感年表|Techtile TimeLine
        Created Date: 2014-11-30 / updated date: 2018-03-13
        Steps: 3 / Memos: 1
      • TECHTILE Workshop03: UnTouch
        Created Date: 2014-12-12 / updated date: 2018-03-13
        Steps: 0 / Memos: 2
      • TECHTILE toolkit
        Created Date: 2014-11-20 / updated date: 2018-03-13
        Steps: 0 / Memos: 0
        “TECHTILE” is a fundamental concept by combining “TECHnology” with “tacTILE” perception/expression. The TECHTILE project was launched in 2007, and the committee has been hosted public exhibitions on latest haptic technology in Japan. Our aim is to disseminate the haptic technologies as the third media in the field of art, design, and education and extends the conventional “multi-media” which consists of visual information and auditory information. There has been various haptic devices proposed so far, but most of them are still in emerging stage. To attract the interest of potential users of haptics such as designers, educators, and students, it is necessary to provide easy-to-make and easy-to-use haptic device. We then developed an introductory haptic device called “TECHTILE toolkit”. Current prototype is composed of a haptic recorder (microphone), some haptic reactors (small vibrators), and a signal amplifier that is optimized to present not only zone of audibility (20-20000Hz) but a