Fabble Privacy Policy

We at Social Fabrication Laboratory of KEIO University SFC (hereinafter referred to as the “We”, “Our”, or “Us”) will handle all user information concerned with our “Fabble” service and all its related services (hereinafter referred to collectively as the ‘Service(s)’) in accordance with the following.

  1. Acquired Information and Scope of Use
    'We shall use and acquire user information in the following ways:
    Registered Information
    To allow users to use the Service as smoothly as possible, and to promote effortless communication between users, users may be asked to register additional details such as profile information (Service display names, profile photos, text etc.), full name, and date of birth etc. Furthermore, other users within the service can view profile and other information (in the form of photos, videos, text etc.) which the users themselves have registered or posted with the aim of sharing with other users. While submission is optional, if users decide not to provide such information, they may not be able to enjoy all or parts of the Service offered.
    Information about GitHub
    Users can access our Service by using accounts registered with GitHub. We may access your information as provided on GitHub (for example, your account name, profile photos, text, or contact information etc.) by using OAuth. However, We will acquire the information in most instances in accordance with your user account settings and/or the privacy policies of GitHub. Therefore, the User will take notice what type of information they are permitting us to access in GitHub.
    User Contact Information
    We acquires user information including full name, email address, and phone number etc., to help establish the user’s identity, for examination into reported problems and to provide an appropriate response to those inquiries.
    Cooperation for Fab 3D Contest
    We cooperate on the project "Fab 3D Contest" hosted by Consortium for the Global Society with Planetary Fabbing in Keio University SFC through Service. When users apply for Fab 3D Contest through Service, we may provide Consortium for the Global Society with Planetary Fabbing in Keio University SFC with users' names and contact information we have acquired through Service for the purpose of enabling the committee to contact the applicants for the Contest. The information provided may be used by the executive committee of Fab 3D Contest, established within Consortium for the Global Society with Planetary Fabbing in Keio University SFC, to contact applicants. We also use users' names and contact information to contact users for the purpose of communicating about Fab 3D Contest. For the application for the Contest, please check the application terms for the Contest.
    To provide the best possible service to users, as well as for maintenance and security purposes, Cookies will be used to store user settings, to record access figures as well as monitoring usage patterns and statistics. Users can choose to deactivate Cookies, however in such circumstances users will not be able to use parts of the Service which require Cookies to be active such as those requiring users to login.
    By using services called "Google Analytics"(http://www.google.com/analytics/), we are performing analysis of access data. By using first party cookies, we are collecting anonymous traffic data. Please understand that this traffic data will always be "anonymous," so there will be no need to worry about identifying private individuals.
    Upon access to the Service, the log information of using the Service such as the user’s IP address etc., will be automatically obtained and stored. Such information will be used to analyze user environments, thereby enabling us to provide a better Service, as well as to prevent any unauthorized/fraudulent practices which interfere with normal Service operations.
    Location Information
    Some of the Services may use location information transmitted from users' mobile phones/devices. We only uses such information within the scope that is necessary in order to provide the designated service. When users have not allowed their location information to be sent via the settings menu on their devices, location information will not be sent.
    Device Information
    'The users’ device information (PC or mobile hardware information etc.) may be acquired at times. This information shall be used for the provision of a better service, as well as for identification purposes and prevention of any unauthorized/fraudulent practices which interfere with normal Service operations. 'Furthermore, depending on whether users use an OS or mobile device, the details of the device information that We acquires will differ. Regarding the details of information that We can acquire, please refer to the manufacturer's or software provider's policies.

  2. Purpose of User Information
    For all other cases, We shall use the acquired personal information for the following purposes listed below:
    1. to perform identity checks when a user makes an inquiry etc.
    2. to prevent any unauthorized/fraudulent use of the Service
    3. to offer an undisturbed and smooth Service to users
    4. to improve our Services
    5. to aggregate statistical data regarding the Service
    6. to conduct research and analysis aimed at reviewing our Services
    7. to enable Us to deal effectively with user inquiries
    8. to provide information regarding the Service etc., as well as advertising information from our partner businesses
    9. to provide new future developments regarding the Service
    10. to notify users of any other important information regarding the Service and to contact users where necessary
    11. to provide the executive committee of Fab 3D Contest with the names and contact information of users who have applied the Contest through Service for the purpose of cooperation for the Contest

  3. Provision of Information
    We will never provide user information to any third parties expect under the following circumstances:
    1. when the user personally agrees to such provisions in advance
    2. when the law requires Us to do so
    3. when We finds sufficient enough reasons to believe that the user is violating the Terms of Service and We are forced to disclose the user's personal information in order to protect Our rights, properties, and/or services
    4. when it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property, and at such a time, when obtaining the user's prior consent is difficult
    5. when it is especially necessary for the improvement of public health or to promote the sound growth of children, and at such a time, when obtaining the user's prior consent is difficult
    6. when We are required to cooperate with a state institution, a local government, or an individual or a business operator entrusted by one in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and at such a time, when obtaining the users prior consent could impede the aims of the authorities
    7. in cases where the user's personal information is revealed as a result of the succession of Our business in a merger, demerger, or business transfer, etc.
    Consent to Provision to Third Parties
    We may provide the executive committee of Fab 3D Contest with the names and contact information of users who have applied for the Contest through Service for the purpose of enabling the committee to contact the applicants for the Contest. Users shall consent the provision of such information in advance to apply for the Contest.
    Name: Consortium for the Global Society with Planetary Fabbing in Keio University SFC
    Person in charge: Hiroya Tanaka, the chair of the executive committee of Fab 3D Contest
    Contact: fab3d-contest@sfc.keio.ac.jp

  4. Information Delegation
    We may entrust, to the extent We considers necessary to achieve the intended purpose concerning the use of the Service, the handling of personal information collected from users, in whole or in part, to a trustee. In such circumstances, We will adequately assess the eligibility of the trustee, impose a confidentiality agreement upon the trustee, and establish an appropriate information administration system.

  5. Shared Use of Information
    We may share the user's personal information with a business partner, when a business partner's cooperation is needed in order to keep providing the Service to the user.
    In such circumstances, We will inform the user regarding the purpose of information sharing, the name of the business partner and information manager, as well as the type of shared information involved before sharing the user’s personal information with such a business partner.

  6. User Rights
    1. Users may, at any time, confirm or correct their personal information such as Service display name, email address and/or password registered to the Service. Users can also delete their accounts by sending a request to Our Inquiries set forth in Article 10.
    2. When using account certification for other services such as GitHub, the link to said accounts can be cancelled.
    3. Users may, through the procedures determined by Us, send Us a request for the disclosure of personal information which the users cannot confirm/access via the Service. We, in turn shall disclose such information except under the following conditions:
      1. when the disclosure is likely to harm the life, body, property or other rights or interests of the user or any other third party
      2. when the disclosure is likely to severely interfere with Our proper operation
      3. when disclosure itself would constitute a violation of laws and/or regulations
      4. when We are unable to verify the user’s ownership of the personal information requested for disclosure.
    4. After the disclosure, users may, through the procedures determined by Us, send Us a request to correct, add or delete the user’s personal information, if the users find personal information registered with Us to be incorrect. Under such circumstances, We shall swiftly investigate the request to achieve the desired user intention and correct, add or delete the personal information on the basis of Our findings.When users request the disclosure by Us of their personal information that is unable to be confirmed/accessed though the Service, We may charge the users a certain fee for the disclosure procedures. The users can choose freely whether or not they will provide Us with their personal information, however the users may be unable to use a part of the Service until they have provided Us with the necessary information.

  7. Withdrawal from Our Services
    Upon withdrawing from our Services, when a user account is deleted, all user information will be disposed of in the correct manner in accordance with the law and Our regulations.

  8. Personal Information of Children
    Users younger than 15 years of age must obtain consent from their parents or legal representatives before they provide any personal information in order to use the Service.

  9. Modifications to this Privacy Policy
    This Privacy Policy may be revised periodically. Users will be notified of important changes in a recognizable manner.

  10. Inquiries
    If users have any uncertainty about this Privacy Policy or questions, complaints, or comments on the handling of personal information related to the Service, users are asked to contact us blow;

Prescribed on Sep. 1, 2014

Revised on Oct. 15, 2015

Revised on Aug. 15, 2019

Social Fablication Laboratory of KEIO University SFC



  1. 取得する情報及び利用方法
    当団体は、サービス改善を目的としたユーザー行動やトラフィックの解析のために、「Google アナリティクス」を利用しており、 ファーストパーティ cookie により匿名のトラフィックデータを収集しています。あくまで匿名のトラフィックデータであり、個人の特定などの心配はありませんのでご了承ください。

  2. 情報の利用目的
    1. ユーザーの本人確認のため
    2. 不正利用防止のため
    3. ユーザーが本サービスを円滑に利用できるようにするため
    4. 本サービスの改善のため
    5. 本サービス利用に関する統計データを作成するため
    6. 現在提供している本サービスまたは今後提供を検討している本サービスに関するアンケート実施のため
    7. ユーザーからのお問い合わせに対する対応のため
    8. 本サービスに関する情報等または当団体以外の事業者が広告主となる広告情報等を告知するため
    9. 今後の本サービスに関する新企画立案を行い提供するため
    10. その他本サービスに関する重要なお知らせ等、必要に応じた連絡を行うため
    11. Fab3Dコンテスト実施に協力のために同コンテスト主催者に同コンテストに応募したユーザーの連絡先を提供するため

  3. 情報の提供
    1. ご本人が事前に同意した場合
    2. 法律に基づく場合
    3. ユーザーが本サービスの利用規約に違反し、当団体弊社の権利、財産やサービス等を保護するために、個人情報を公開せざるをえないと判断するに足る十分な根拠がある場合
    4. 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難である場合
    5. 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難である場合
    6. 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
    7. 合併、会社分割、営業譲渡その他の事由によって個人情報の提供を含む当団体の事業の承継が行われる場合
    責任者:3DFabコンテスト実行委員会 委員長 田中浩也

  4. 情報の預託

  5. 情報の共同利用

  6. 利用者の権利
    1. ユーザーはいつでもご登録されている本サービス上の表示名、メールアドレス、パスワード等の情報を、本サービスサイト上で確認、訂正することができます。また、アカウントを削除することができます。
    2. GitHub等の他のサービスのアカウントによる認証をご利用の場合には、かかるアカウントへのリンクを解除することができます。
    3. ユーザーは当団体に対し、サービスサイト上で確認できない個人情報の開示を求める場合、当団体が別途定めた手続きに従って、次の場合を除き開示を請求することができます。
      1. 開示することで本人または第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
      2. 開示することで当団体の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
      3. 開示することが法令に違反することとなる場合
      4. 開示の請求がご本人からであることが確認できない場合
    4. 開示の結果、ユーザーが当団体保有の個人情報の内容が事実でないと判断した場合は、当団体が別途定めた手続きに従って、個人情報の訂正・追加・削除を請求することができます。その場合、当団体は利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で遅滞なく調査を行い、その結果に基づき当該個人情報の訂正・追加・削除を行います。なお、サービスサイト上で確認できない個人情報の開示を請求される場合には、当団体が別途定めた手続きに従って開示手数料をいただく場合がございます。ユーザーから当団体への個人情報の提供は任意ですが、必要な情報をご提供いただけない場合、本サービスの一部を利用できない場合がございます。

  7. 退会者の情報

  8. お子様の個人情報について

  9. 本プライバシーポリシーの改定

  10. お問い合わせ

2014年9月1日 作成

2015年10月15日 改定

2019年8月15日 改定
