Joined on: Nov 17, 2017
Project: 0
- Experience & Engagement Design / 2018 SpringWEEK1 - 4/9 Introduction WEEK2 - 4/16 Ideation Idea Sketch WEEK3 - 4/23 Prototyping Methods 1 - Ideation / Hardwear Sketch1 / 2D Design Basic 1 WEEK4 - 5/7 Prototyping Methods 2 - Ideation / Hardwear Sketch1/ 3D Design Basic 1 WEEK5 - 5/14 Prototyping Methods 3 - Ideation / Hardwear Sketch2 / 3D Design Basic 2 WEEK6 - 5/21 Prototyping Methods 4 - Exercise 1 WEEK7 - 5/28 Prototyping Methods 5 - Exercise 2 WEEK8 - 6/4 Prototyping Methods 6 - Idea Sketch for Final Project WEEK9 - 6/11 Prototyping Methods 7 - Quick & Dirty Prototyping for Final Project WEEK10 - 6/18 Prototyping Methods 8 - Making Prototype and Presentation WEEK11 - 6/23 Additional Class WEEK12 - 6/25 Prototyping Methods 9 - Making Prototype and Presentation WEEK13 - 6/30 Additional Class WEEK14 - 7/2 Prototyping Methods 10 - Final Presentation
- CTスキャンからの自然物処理CTスキャンから得たCTデータを、RoiPaintを用いて処理する方法です。 いずれのソフトウェアもWindows対応です。(試行中)