Light-Shade #21

Owner & Collaborators

Light-Shade #21 by hiromipaw is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
Light-Shade#21[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#21[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(An extreme challenge of star-shaped polyhedron constructed from the common pieces to #11.)(#11と共通の部品を用いた星形多面体の極限例)・・・Electorical Parts with Notes, Material with Tip, and Tools1&2 are all common to Light-Shade #01 電気部品及び注記、材料及び補足、道具1&2についてはライトシェード#01と共通・・・This #21 is a modified small trimbic icosahedron or a regular icosahedron attached with triagonal pyramids except at top and bottom. この#21は、六十面体の変形、もしくは正二十面体の天地を除く面に三角錐を取り付けたものである。・・・ Not easy! 難度高し!