Joined on: Sep 24, 2016
Project: 2
  • OLYMPUS A01-start a different view-by laser cutter
    Created Date: 2016-10-29 / updated date: 2018-03-13
    Steps: 11 / Memos: 0
    I use “123D Design” and “laser cutter” to make this equipment. I want to “hang the lens everywhere”. When I was wandering in the park, I got an idea. I thought that it is interesting to take the photos or shoot a short film from high trees. But I couldn’t sent camera up there and took the pictures of myself simultaneously. Olympus A01 lens connect the cellphone by Wi-Fi. So I can move as far as I want. (Maybe less than 10 meter is better.) The shape of this equipment was inspired from pinecone. Let start to make a “pinecone”. P.S. 123D Design can build the 3D model easily, but it’s a little bit hard to “make things in 2D (save the file by line only)”. So, I recommend everyone use 123D design to build model and turn the 3D model to “123D maker” to make slices. (In this tutorial I only use 123D design to make my object.)
  • OLYMPUS A01-start a different view-by 3D printer
    Created Date: 2016-09-24 / updated date: 2018-03-13
    Steps: 8 / Memos: 0
    OLYMPUS AIR A01 make photography more easy and interesting. Different from the camera inside the cellphone, A01 can make the photo’s quality higher. My goal is to create an equipment, make the users easier to bring OLYMPUS AIR A01. When the users go to outdoor activities, like mountain climbing or skiing. If you put your OLYMPUS AIR A01 in the backpack, it is hard to take it out immediately. So this equipment make user more convenient.