HiLo Clothes Dryer

Created Date: 2015-06-06/ updated date: 2015-06-22
Owner & Collaborators
Inspired by a great hanging dryer, but put off by high cost and long distance shipping, I decided to make
my own, low-budget version. There are components that could be higher quality, and prices are indicative
only - it depends what your local suppliers have available for you. I got most of the components from
Bunnings and Pete’s Emporium in Porirua (NZ).
I also decided to do something Low Tech instead of designing with digital fabrication in mind. Some simple tools and you're away with this project.
Take as much time as you want to. I made this over two weekends, not rushing, and in between other activities. But I don’t have to tidy up if I don’t feel like it...
All measurements are in millimetres unless otherwise stated. All attempts have been made to keep
jargon to a minimum. ‘Usual’ in New Zealand may not be ‘usual’ globally. Do everything safely. The instruction pages are in the Memo section, not the Recipe section.


Steps, page four:

posted by FabLabWgtn on June 06, 2015
After the urethane dried (about 2 hours) I drilled the pilot holes for the four eye
hooks. My ceiling joists/bearers are 980mm apart so I put the eye hooks about
1000mm apart, 2 on each side. When my hands got tired from hand turning the eye hooks to screw them in, I used that that/slot screwdriver to finish them off.

You could also ‘de-nib’ the urethane if you feel like it. When you apply a finish, the
grain of the wood is raised creating ‘nibs’, so then the surface is a little scratchy/lumpy.
Your clothes might catch on it. Get some fine sandpaper (240, 320 grit) and lightly go over your surface with it. You’re not sanding the wood, you’re just trying to take off the ‘nibs’ or raised lumpy bits on the surface of the wood.
