Light-Shade #11
Owner & Collaborators
Light-Shade #11 by fujisawaminoru is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
Light-Shade#11[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#11[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(One of new dodecahedron developments from #01)(#01の正十二面体から発展させた新型)・・・Electoric Parts with Notes, Material with Tip, and Tools1&2 are all common to Light-Shade #01 電気部品及び注記、材料及び補足、道具1&2についてはライトシェード#01と共通・・・Five triangular pieces are constructing a pentagonal unit of a dodecahedron(/single sphere). 五個の三角形片で正五角形ユニットを構成しそれで正十二面体を作る。・・・This #11 uses 'Reuleaux triangle' for creating the gluing area around an equilateral triangle. この#11では糊しろのために「ルーローの三角形」を使う。