Joined on: Apr 10, 2017
Project: 4
    Created Date: 2017-07-17 / updated date: 2017-07-17
    Steps: 4 / Memos: 0
    Created Date: 2017-06-12 / updated date: 2017-06-12
    Steps: 0 / Memos: 0
    Through this experiment, I found 2 different ways to make 3D design for razor-cutting: - Solution 1: Each block has 4 sides. With each side, we make a rectangle which has the shape of that side. - Solution 2: Make separated rectangles, do the razor-cutting, and then use glue and sand paper to graft pieces of wood.
  • YOSEGI (pt2)
    Created Date: 2017-05-08 / updated date: 2017-05-08
    Steps: 0 / Memos: 0
    Through my experience, there are some types of wood that are very difficult to cut such as Zelkova Serrata!
    Created Date: 2017-04-10 / updated date: 2017-04-16
    Steps: 0 / Memos: 0
    Yosegi is a type of Japanese traditional woodwork which originated from Edo Era. In Yosegi, elaborate patterns are produced with making the most of various natural colors of woods, to use making small boxes and other products.