P4 - Garbage Disposal for a Lunar Colony

Created Date: 2019-10-21/ updated date: 2019-10-21
Owner & Collaborators
The Moon bin is the newest and most revolutionary way for humans living on the moon to keep their trash safe and to not let all of trash fly into space to make the dangerous space garbage. The Moon Bin is a helpful product if we humans will ever live on the moon. Everything was made by the Primary 4 students in the Laurus International School of Science primary school.





        • The Moon bin is the newest and most revolutionary way for humans living on the moon to keep their trash safe and to not let all of trash fly into space to make the dangerous space garbage. The Moon Bin is a helpful product  if we humans will ever live on the moon.
          • We had certain criteria to help each other and the environment in more than one way:
            1. It has to be green
            2. Needs to bring a change and a positive impact on human life
            3. It needs to be durable in order to use it for really long periods of time 
            4. Has to be able to stand outer space
            • What is it made of? 
              It is an iron and aluminium alloy  So no metal can attach to it.

              How big is it? 
              The measurements are 96.5 cm in diameter and 22.5 cm tall.  The product will collect most of the trash on the moon. It doesn't move and has a lid so no trash can escape.
            • The blue compartment is for non-flammable trash and the orange compartment is for flammable trash while the black compartment is for metal trash and the middle circle is for other trash.
              Each compartment has stickers.

              The compartments will have a small handles that will make it easier to them out.
          • We measured the radius and height of a filament spool to make our prototype. We converted our data into 3D models using Tinkercad and printed everything on our 3D printers at school
            • Our final prototype is on the left. It has four drawers and a circular bin in the center for other trash. You can see some of our other prototypes next to it.
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