Utilizing MozLdn for community and events

Created Date: 2015-12-18/ updated date: 2016-06-03
    Owner & Collaborators
    At MozLdn we have this really great large open common room, with Wifi, kitchen facilities and AV. The common space is open to fellow Mozillians to come and work from, and I have extended this invitation to our local partners. We always have someone in the space, working from one of the booths and making new friends at the coffee machine, which the entire team enjoys.
    In the last year the London team, in collaboration with WPR, has created an events program. In 2015 we hosted over 200 events with a small team of 10 people. In 2016 we want to increase this number and open the office even more to our community. This project will document this process and hopefully be used as a tool for other spaces.


    • Show me the money- 28th of January

      posted by Saallen on February 01, 2016
      Event request came through our london-events@mozilla.org address. Run by three young women, this free speaker series interested me so I offered to host. Set up was
    • posted by Saallen on February 25, 2016
      First night of Windows Management User Group dev code club run by Paul W who has been to many MozLDN office events in the past. Led on the night was Robb Marshall