- Role - Housewife
- She wants to cook.
- She is able to stand for an adequate duration of time.
- Right upper extremity has enough strength.
- She suffered a stroke leading to left side hemiplegia.
As a result of constant therapy, she was able to regain her lower limb mobility and strength. However, she is unable to use her left upper limb functionally. - Computer System Technology (CST) students
- Special Educational Needs (SEN) teachers
- Occupational therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Engineers
- FLexprep1. Wade2. Yeshey Technical Expert3. Tshering Zam4. Tshering Yangdon5. Tenzin Choden Dorji6. Karma Choyeing Dema7. Pema Choden8. Tashi Wangmo9. Deki Drupka10. Thinley Wozer Dorji11. Pema Dendup12. KC Ghalley

Owner & Collaborators

FlexiPrep by FablabShinagawa, KulGhalley, DekiDrukpa, Thinley-Wozer-Dorji, PemaChoden, KarmaChoeyingDema, Tsheringzam, Tashiwangmo, Tsheringyangdon, Tenzin, wadebevans, PEMADENDUP, Yeshey is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.
FlexPrep is designed to cater to the needs of persons with disabilities (PWD) facing paralysis to unforeseen circumstances, FlexiPrep comprises adaptive kitchen chopping boards and flexiopeners. These innovative items facilitate independent food preparation, allowing PWD to comfortably work alone.

- She is unable to use her left hand to stabilize chopping items (Vegetables) on board and open jars.
- To gain independence in cooking (BADL Basic Activities of Daily Living) as a housewife
- Problems of needs knower
- Discussion of strategies
- identification of solutions
- brain storming about prototypes
- Drafting using computer
- 3D printing
- Safety
- Portability
- Stability
- cost effectives
- Durability
An opening, peeling, and chopping function.
- https://www.saebo.com/blog/top-adaptive-kitchen-aids-for-stroke-recovery/
- To solve the problem for one side paralysis person for kitchen work.
- Mass production with customized individual needs.
- Better quality products.
- Create awareness with the product to help them gain independence in their activities.
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