[English] OCPC - Fab Delta Kit 1.6 [For FAB12]

Created Date: 2015-12-05/ updated date: 2018-04-06
    Owner & Collaborators
    This version is based on what we present as a workshop program in FAB12.
    日本語版 → http://fabble.cc/gakuhirota/ocpc-2
    OCPC stands for One CNC Per Child,
    which aims to be a platform which could change itself into every single CNC machine, in fairly low cost.
    Produced by Hiroya Tanaka Labratory, Keio University
    Draft by Tsuneo Masuda, Hiroya Tanaka
    Main Design by Gaku Hirota
    Collaboration with Ryosuke Wakasugi, Miyu Mochizuki, Sai Taoka, Osamu Yamamoto





          • Prepare the rest of parts.
            • *Make sure to put things 100% straight
              *Don't let the glue to reach the holes (except for rectangular holes)

              Or your OCPC does not work well although you complete assembling it.
            • Glue the arm parts together with wood glue.
              Pick one with a rectangular hole and three without rectangular holes. and glue them together as shown in picture.

              Be careful not to glue them other way around.
            • After putting the four parts together, pass M3 pan-head screws (45mm) through two round holes and tighten M3 nuts from the other side so that they don't move while waiting to dry.

              Make sure to glue them super-neatly OR YOUR OCPC DOESN'T WORK WELL.
            • Sand the servo horns of MG995/MG996 to make flat, and to fit what we are making this time.

              #100 or #125 sanding paper would be the best choice for it.
              Because it is not very hard, make sure to stop sanding when it becomes flat and don't sand them too much.
          • Let's start assembling.
            • Pick the two long MDF parts (this will be the leg part) and assemble them as shown in picture.

              Maybe you chould glue them with wood glue if they come off too easily.
            • Pick the biggest MDF part (this will be the bottom part) and put together with the cross that you have just made.

              Maybe you should glue them with wood glue if they come off too easily.
            • Pass M3 Flat-head screws (15mm) through two of the holes on Arduino, and tighten M3 nuts from the other side.

              Then use two more M3 nuts to fix Arduino on the holes on the base plate.
            • Fix the battery box and the mini breadboard as shown in picture.

              Use double-sided tape to fix the battery box.
              And the breadboard has adhesive tape on itself.

              Don't fix them on the holes that you will use later.
            • Put them together as they are shown in picture.

              Notice that thinner one should have their holes on the upper half of them.
            • Pick three Servo motors (MG996/996) and put them on the rectangular holes of the base.
            • First, pass the wires of the servos through the corresponding holes on upper plate parts.
              Then match all the shapes of vertical parts, upper plate and servos and put all the thing on together, at the same time.

              You should fix them temporarily with M6 pan-head screws (60mm) if they come off easily.
          • Continue assembling.
            • Remove all screws from it first, then pass M2.1 Wood screws (13mm) through a hole on a servo horn and rectangular hole on the arm, BY FORCE.
              At that time, also use M3 Pan-head screws (45mm) to keep them in the right position.

              Make sure to glue them super-neatly OR YOUR OCPC DOESN'T WORK WELL.
            • Assemble the rod ends and threaded rods (285mm) to make the rod parts of a parallel link structure.
              You can pass through M3 pan-head screws (45mm) to the ends to twist them tightly.

              Make sure that all rods are assembled SUPER NEATLY because these rods will work as a parallel link structure.
            • Put the arm parts onto servo motors.
              Servo horns on the arm parts have gear-like structure that correspond to the gear of the servos.

              Put them together to make the lowest angle as it could, and the same angle as the other two.
            • Pass M3 pan-head screws (45mm) through the vertical parts across the servos, arm parts, servo horns and towards the servos.

              You need to tighten the screw as it goes into the servo, but DON'T MAKE IT TOO TIGHT OR SERVO GETS BROKEN RIGHT AWAY.

              Your screw may be too long for that, but just don't worry.
            • Pick 3d-printed joint parts and fix them on the top plate by using M3 flat-head screws (15mm) and M3 nuts as shown in the picture.

              Notice that the heads of the screws doesn't go nay higher than the surface of the plate.
            • Just like you've done in the last step, use M3 pan-head screws (45mm) and M3 nuts to put the rods of step 5-2 on the joint parts on the top plate.

              As shown in the picture on the right, as before, you will need 4 nuts for each screws.
          • Congratulations!
            • 見た目にできあがっていても、

          • 動かしてみましょう。
            • deltaTest_dlp.zipからdeltaTest_dlp.inoを開き、


              • サーボの動きはじめ/終わりのタイミングが違う
              • 斜めに動いている/天板が傾いている
              5-3, 5-4の注意点を守っているか確認してください。
              • 動きながら天板がガタガタする
            • このプログラムをArduinoIDEから直接書き込んで、


            • ArduinoのソースコードとProcessingのソースコードが入っています。

              Control P5 Libraryの入ったProcessing2.2.1と、Arduinoが必要です。


            • Processingを実行すると右のような画面が立ち上がります。
              最初は"SERVO POWER OFF"になってしますので、
              [ENABLE]ボタンを押してPOWER ONにします。

              myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[X], 9600)

            • Processingの知識が多少あれば、自分でOCPCを動かすことができます。

              void draw(){}の中で
              xp=15; yp=15; zp=-40; 


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