Bhutan Makerthon : Mr. Jari Lal Gurung

Owner & Collaborators

Bhutan Makerthon : Mr. Jari Lal Gurung by FablabShinagawa, Lekit, TsheringTenzin000, KarmaWP, Nagomi, RKGurung, tatsuya-sakamoto0250 is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.
First, we spoke with the need knower person during the three days of Makerthon to learn more about his issue. We also took him for a test drive, covering around 5 kilometres, to learn more about the need for knowledge. After some brainstorming and several design iterations, our need-knower was eventually satisfied and pleased with the prototype. However, the ideation, printing, and testing processes presented us with numerous difficulties. However we are inspired to design more of the AT