Searched Projects: UX

  • Light-Shade#13[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#13[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(One third depth of each pentagonal dent of #11 has been folded back.)(#11のへこんだ五角形の深さ1/3が折り返された形)・・・Electorical Parts with Notes...
    6 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3424 days ago
  • Light-Shade#11[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#11[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(One of new dodecahedron developments from #01)(#01の正十二面体から発展させた新型)・・・Electoric Parts with Notes, Material with Tip, and Tools1&...
    6 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3434 days ago
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