This project focuses on designing and developing a 3D-printable assistive device that empowers individuals with below-wrist amputations to perform both daily activities and specialized tasks indepe...
This project aims to develop a 3D-printed assistive hand for Ajith, who lost four fingers in an accident. He lost his job after the accident. He used to do farming, so now that he has lost his job,...
In the SARMA Nepal 2025, Our need knower, Anukala Rai came with hope for wheelchair improvements which would be able to move in sloppy plane easily, and also to obtain an desired option to open and...
We developed two assistive devices to aid individuals with limited fine motor control and for onehanded. The first is a gripping tool for easier object manipulation, while the second provides suppo...
First, we spoke with the need knower person during the three days of Makerthon to learn more about his issue. We also took him for a test drive, covering around 5 kilometres, to learn more about th...
The Moon bin is the newest and most revolutionary way for humans living on the moon to keep their trash safe and to not let all of trash fly into space to make the dangerous space garbage. The Moon...
With lots of new currencies being developed and new future cities becoming more and more international, we might need to start using a new international currency. We wanted to try making our own cu...