Searched Projects: cat

  • 7 Steps /
    1 Memos
    since 3244 days ago
  • CHIRIMENで心拍センサーを動かしてみる
    4 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3346 days ago
  • 3Dプリンターに藁を混ぜながら好きな形を出力し、2枚目のように納豆菌を繁殖させます。納豆菌繁殖時は臭いですが、処理を正しく行うとほとんど臭くなくなります。シリカゲルを詰めて、除湿器にしたり、水中に入れて水質浄化に使えます(※1)。元の発想は、日本の蔵の土壁から。3枚目のように土壁も中に藁を混ぜることで湿気を吸った土壁が中で腐ったり、土が崩れたりすることを防いでいるそうです。納豆菌は、常温で乾...
    2 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3282 days ago
  • A solar cooker is a device which uses the energy of direct sunlight to heat, cook or pasteurize food or drink. Because they use no fuel and cost nothing to operate, many nonprofit organizati...
    1 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3385 days ago
  • Inspired by a great hanging dryer, but put off by high cost and long distance shipping, I decided to make my own, low-budget version. There are components that could be higher quality, and prices...
    2 Steps /
    7 Memos
    since 3395 days ago
  • Bal-hirda (Terminalia chebula), is one of important NTFT (Normal Thickness Filum Terminale) commodity especially in Sahyadri and Satpuda ranges. Bal Hirda is smallish tree yields; ribbed and nut-li...
    11 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3381 days ago
  • We have designed some acrylic patterns on Laser cutter by using digital fabrication. This model is useful for gift artical , indoor decoration with live plants.
    1 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3385 days ago
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