Searched Projects: CT

  • Inspired by a great hanging dryer, but put off by high cost and long distance shipping, I decided to make my own, low-budget version. There are components that could be higher quality, and prices...
    2 Steps /
    7 Memos
    since 3392 days ago
  • Drying of fruits / vegetables / Papad in open sun is traditional method of preservation. Quality of open sun dried food products are always concern due to contamination of dirt, dis-colorat...
    6 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3379 days ago
  • Fish feed is one of the major inputs in aquaculture production. Market fish feed is in high rate so we prepared fish feed by using raw materials like Ground Nut Cake and Rice husk...
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    0 Memos
    since 3379 days ago
  • 自分の頭の中にあるアイデアを形にすることで新しいデザインが生まれる。 地域のネットワーク(繋がり)の中で人と人、あるいは物と人、地域と人が繋がっていく。 その地域にしかない知識を皆で共有することで新しい物語が生まれる。 そのアイデアやデザインを見た人が、次に自分でまた考えていく。 そのプロセスの中で、何が起きるのか、これはKULUSKAが行っている実験的なプロジェクトです。 よ...
    5 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3457 days ago
  • I am freelance programmer and traveling around for business. There are lot of situations that I have to work in the hotel room. However, it is hard to work productively without external display ...
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    since 3399 days ago
  • In this workshop, Fablab Saigon will show you how to make a lamp that changes colours upon detecting a hand swipe. You will learn to program the lamp's LEDs to shine your favourite colours. To swit...
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    4 Memos
    since 3401 days ago
  • Ogaki Mini Maker Faire 2014で開催された『第3回 展開図武道会』に出品した、合計2000個以上のパーツからなる可動式の椅子です。(参照: 脚部分はオムニホイールのような仕組みになっており、前後左右自由に動くことができます。また、座面の下にもベアリングがいくつか取り付けられて...
    8 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3524 days ago
  • Light-Shade#13[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#13[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(One third depth of each pentagonal dent of #11 has been folded back.)(#11のへこんだ五角形の深さ1/3が折り返された形)・・・Electorical Parts with Notes...
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    0 Memos
    since 3435 days ago
  • Light-Shade#11[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#11[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(One of new dodecahedron developments from #01)(#01の正十二面体から発展させた新型)・・・Electoric Parts with Notes, Material with Tip, and Tools1&...
    6 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3445 days ago
  • Light-Shade [láit n ʃéid]#01 [0.809, double-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#01 [0.809、二重構造、透過光タイプ] ・・・・The first and basic idea of using an inscribed polygon to create the gluing area from a disk. 円の...
    10 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3451 days ago
  • Light-Shade#03 [0.71, double-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード #03 [0.71、二重構造、透過光タイプ] ・・・(One of tiny variations of Light-Shade #1)(ライトシェード#1の極小バリエーション)・・・・・Tools1&2 are common to Light-Shade #1 道具1&2につ...
    6 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3449 days ago
  • Light-Shade#04 [0.75, dpuble-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#04 [0.75、二重構造、透過光タイプ]・・(One of ratio variations of Light-Shade #01)(ライトシェード#01の別比率バリエーション)・・・Electoric Parts with Notes, Material with Tip...
    6 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 3449 days ago
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