Searched Projects: 3D printed

  • FabWalker is a stand-alone robot which consists of natural branches and plants. Users collect and attach branches and plants to complete a one of a kind walking botanical robot. The manner of how...
    7 Steps /
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    since 3342 days ago
  • まだ名付けがたい「靴」なのか、「サンダル」というべきか..自分の足のデータをもとに足にはめ込めるようにつくってみた   製作期間:1か月
    3 Steps /
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    since 2392 days ago
  • We emulated a Kumikiri Wood Block puzzle using 3D Printers and Laser Cutters. Three pieces were designed in 3D CAD software and printed using a MakerBot 3d Printer, while the other three were cut o...
    9 Steps /
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    since 2615 days ago
  • 3D-CADであるRhinoにて空間内に描いた「ポリライン」がそのままG-CODEとして書き出せるプラグインです。上下移動を含んだ立体的な編み構造、組み構造、その他あらゆるパターンを作り出せます。 ダウンロードは より。
    9 Steps /
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    since 2655 days ago
  • This document instructs how to build "NCS Microphone" using a headset for smartphone. The headset is commercially available JUST 100 YEN. It will take 10-20min, WITHOUT ANY SOLDERING. O...
    9 Steps /
    0 Memos
    since 2940 days ago
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