Light-Shade#21[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#21[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(An extreme challenge of star-shaped polyhedron constructed from the common pieces to #11.)(#11と共通の部品を用いた星形多面体の極限例)・・・Electorica...
Light-Shade#21[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#21[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(An extreme challenge of star-shaped polyhedron constructed from the common pieces to #11.)(#11と共通の部品を用いた星形多面体の極限例)・・・Electorica...
Inspired by a great hanging dryer, but put off by high cost and long distance shipping, I decided to make
my own, low-budget version. There are components that could be higher quality, and prices...
Ogaki Mini Maker Faire 2014で開催された『第3回 展開図武道会』に出品した、合計2000個以上のパーツからなる可動式の椅子です。(参照:
Light-Shade#13[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#13[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(One third depth of each pentagonal dent of #11 has been folded back.)(#11のへこんだ五角形の深さ1/3が折り返された形)・・・Electorical Parts with Notes...
Light-Shade#11[Single-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#11[一重構造、透過光タイプ]・・・(One of new dodecahedron developments from #01)(#01の正十二面体から発展させた新型)・・・Electoric Parts with Notes, Material with Tip, and Tools1&...
Light-Shade#03 [0.71, double-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード #03 [0.71、二重構造、透過光タイプ] ・・・(One of tiny variations of Light-Shade #1)(ライトシェード#1の極小バリエーション)・・・・・Tools1&2 are common to Light-Shade #1 道具1&2につ...
Light-Shade#04 [0.75, dpuble-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード#04 [0.75、二重構造、透過光タイプ]・・(One of ratio variations of Light-Shade #01)(ライトシェード#01の別比率バリエーション)・・・Electoric Parts with Notes, Material with Tip...
Light-Shade#02 [0.618, triple-sphere, skeleton] ライトシェード#02 [0.618、三重構造、スケルトンタイプ]・・・(One of different versions of Light-Shade #1)(ライトシェード#1の別バージョン)・・・・・Electoric Parts with Notes, Material with Tip,...