R&D for designing directly on a ShopBot CNC milling machine with 1:1 projection of toolpaths on milling stock.
Files: https://github.com/JensDyvik/Live_parametrics_and_toolpath_generation---Ginger...
Bal-hirda (Terminalia chebula), is one of important NTFT (Normal Thickness Filum Terminale) commodity especially in Sahyadri and Satpuda ranges. Bal Hirda is smallish tree yields; ribbed and nut-li...
Heat-retention cooking saves cooking fuel because after food has been heated to cooking temperature, it is placed into an insulated box where it will continue to cook until it is done. Retained...
Made of a piece of offcut. 端材から製作したもの。・・・Simple form appears like an objets d'art. シンプルな形はオブジェのようにも見える。・・・Originally it is designed for the 1st generation iPad, but is still useful for the latest i...