Loopian::ORBIT is an instrument that produces piano sounds by touching the top edge of the ...
Raspberry Pi Picoを使った、誰でも自由に作れるシンセサイザー(USB MIDI音源)です。2022年公開のArduino UNO R3用シンセ「Digital Synth VRA8-U」をベースに、コーラスとディレイ・エフェクトを搭載した同時発音数4のポリフォニック・シンセサイザーへと進化しました。市販のオーディオ用DAC基板(Pimoroni「Pico Audio Pack...
Loopian::ORBIT is an instrument that produces piano sounds by touching the top edge of the circle...
Making a CNC2417 kit.
Assembling and control the CNC by GCode sender(now selecting).
Now planning Linking the CNC to Internet( IoT) By Raspberry pi.
Details will be attached later soon..
FabCam is the Browser-Based Integrated CAM for FabLab users.
Our goals are
(1) No PC for each Machine. Instead, we can use RasberryPi as a host for each machine
(2) No USB for carrying CAD dat...