This document instructs how to build "NCS Microphone" using a headset for smartphone.
The headset is commercially available JUST 100 YEN.
It will take 10-20min, WITHOUT ANY SOLDERING.
Digital Fabrication class 2016 Spring Semester
The theme is "BioMetric" Design
Step 1. 自然物や生物を選ぶ:くじら
Step2. そこからルールを抽出:くじらの骨
Step3. 材料を選ぶ:骨らしさを出すために3Dプリントまたは木材
Digital Fabrication class 2016 Spring Semester
The theme is "BioMetric" Design
Step 1. 自然物や生物を選ぶ:ひまわり
Step2. そこからルールを抽出:ひまわりの花びらが1枚1枚ひとつの花であることをピックアップ
Step3. 材料を選ぶ:自然な雰囲気を出すために木材をつかいたい
(Goal )
This project aims to make a system to co...
This project documents the development of an interactive art installation using Processing and computer vision, video projection and a fresnel lens sculpture to envision the life of a cyborg in...
LOOPA is a small and discreet egg which gives an anonymous or signed token of our passing through and at any moment allows us to start a conversation with others, share one's impressions and memori...
R&D for designing directly on a ShopBot CNC milling machine with 1:1 projection of toolpaths on milling stock.
The ColaLight Cutting Tool allows users of the ColaLight SLK to cut plastic beverage bottles safely and in the right area of the bottle length to use the plastic casing as LED, PCB and battery pr...