I am freelance programmer and traveling around for business. There are lot of situations that I have to work in the hotel room. However, it is hard to work productively without external display ...
Ogaki Mini Maker Faire 2014で開催された『第3回 展開図武道会』に出品した、合計2000個以上のパーツからなる可動式の椅子です。(参照:http://www.instructables.com/id/Wheel-Stool-/)
Made of a piece of offcut. 端材から製作したもの。・・・Simple form appears like an objets d'art. シンプルな形はオブジェのようにも見える。・・・Originally it is designed for the 1st generation iPad, but is still useful for the latest i...
Light-Shade#03 [0.71, double-sphere, translucent] ライトシェード #03 [0.71、二重構造、透過光タイプ] ・・・(One of tiny variations of Light-Shade #1)(ライトシェード#1の極小バリエーション)・・・・・Tools1&2 are common to Light-Shade #1 道具1&2につ...